Thursday, 11 February 2016

Affiliate Programs that pay Lifetime or Long Date Earnings; The Inside Tip.

Affiliate Programs that pay Lifetime or Long Date Earnings; The Inside Tip.
By joining these programs and working hard to promote products (via your own website, social media, blogs, adwords, articles etc) you can earn money from commissions over a long length of time. These are not what people call ‘residual’ incomes. Whereby you will get a fixed amount each month. Instead you build downlines, or promote products that have ‘lifetime cookies’.

What is on This Page?

I’ve been self-employed for 8 years and have tried many programs and networks. During that time I have experienced how much more profitable it is to build up downlines and assets.
So on this page is a list of some of the best programs that will pay you earnings for many years, or maybe even life.

Websites and Affiliate Programs

MNMoreNiche – Focused on the health niche you can promote a variety of products such as body building supplements, cholesterol lowering products, fat burners, a testosterone booster as well as other stuff. This is a high margin sector meaning you can get up 50% commission on some products, and average basket values are high. They have ‘lifetime cookies’ meaning someone could click your link and not buy a product until a couple of years later and you would still get the commission! You can also refer other members to earn a percentage of their earnings for your lifetime.
impactfiveImpactFive – products in the health enhancement niche, such as those to allow guys to get a bigger ding dong! A very lucrative niche with good margins. Ideal for those who prefer a low volume, high commission, business model. Very similar to MoreNiche except with different, more adult focused, products. They have the same downline setup whereby you can refer other members to earn a percentage of their earnings for your lifetime.
adgatemediaAdGate Media – A well established CPA network which you can use to earn money from websites, apps or games. Should you have the skills (or soon learn them) to develop your own game then a company like this can help you make good money from it. They also offer 5% lifetime commission on your downline, making it worthwhile referring people.
dreamstimeDreamstime – this is the company I have been most successful with, earning $52,000 in the last 7 years (they also gave me an iPad). I did it by promoting their free images section, and from there many people would find images they liked which are very cheap and end up buying those instead of using a free one. Around 1/8 people I refer become buyers, and they pay commissions for 3-years after the person signed up! Which is why my income is so high from them, as some people become much bigger customers and repeat buyers. You can also refer photographers and get a share of their earnings for 3-years. If you are a good photographer or graphics designer yourself then you should also upload your files to earn money when people buy them. Combine that will referring buyers and it can be very lucrative.
sharecashShareCash – at their website you can host files and get paid each time someone downloads one of your files. It could be an ebook, software, game, video or any other files. If you have things you have created then you can upload them, distribute them, and keep the income coming in for a very long time. Obviously the more stuff you upload and distribute the more dollar you will make. The site has strict rules so do not upload copyrighted files or adult material, they are strictly prohibited, everything you upload must be your own work. They have a referral system whereby you can refer other members and receive 5% of the value of their earnings for life. The percentage you will receive will increase the more people you refer, up to a max of 12%.
raketherake logoRakeTheRake – want to run a poker based website? If so be sure to promote a service like RakeTheRake and you will get a percentage of the money made for the lifetime of the people you refer. Ideally you want to refer big poker players who play with big money, that will make you a lot more then just going for recreational players who will upload $20 to a poker site. You will earn very little off the smaller fish, so try and signup big whales by creating a website/app/social media accounts that will attract serious players.
markethealthMarketHealth – will give you 5% of what your downline earns. So if you refer a really good affiliate who makes themselves $1000 per month you will get $50 per month. As the name suggests they are in the health niche, so you can promote a variety of health products. Lots of different products to promote at same time as building your downline.
PlugrushPlugRush – will give you 5% of what your downline earns or spends at the program. They are a traffic network for website owners. This means you can refer webmasters who want to earn money from their website, or webmasters who want to promote their website.
vidahostVidaHost – a web hosting company I have used for many years, they offer an excellent service. You can refer customers to them and get a nice cut. Commission percentage varies and so does whether it is a ‘one-off’ commission or not. So be clear on what you a promoting before going ahead with it.
There are other programs out there. But these are trustworthy ones which I have experience with, therefore I am happy to suggest them, but I won’t suggest others which I don’t have experience with. You can do very well with the programs listed above.
A key thing to appreciate is that you get out what you put in with affiliation, there is no ceiling to your earnings. Unlike with PTC and things like that where there is only so many ads you can click on. With affiliation and building downlines there are so many products you can promote, in June 2014 (the latest data I could find) over 3billion people are connected to the internet, that is how big the web is!
Some people will read this and make a half-hearted effort to join the programs, probably make a basic blog, do a couple of tweets, then expect the money to come rolling in. And they wont make a dime!
Other people will work every evening for a few hours and build a fantastic arsenal of methods (their own website/blog, social media profiles, guest posting, google adwords etc) to make sales and signup downline members. Those people will have much more success! Making a lot more than $1000 a month. And that is realistic, not like those ridiculous ads that will tell you to pay them $39 and they will show you a system that requires no work and will earn $5000 per month. Yeah right!!
I am telling you the opposite. Dont pay anyone any money. Join programs like those on this page, for free, and then work hard to build up your own website, social media profiles and whatever other methods you want (email newsletters, google adwords etc). That way you are building something sustainable where the income will continue for many years, even if you stop doing this, the money will still be coming in. That, my friend, is what will make you smart, and separate you from the others scrapping around for a few dollars a month from PTC websites or wherever else.
Now go join the programs you like the look of best, make a plan, and get grinding to build up your little empire.
If you want to share any of this information, or save it, I have also made this infographic, it is a bit simple I know but my design skills are limited. Hope it helps. Please click on it for the full size.

Affiliate programs lifetime commissions
Affiliate programs lifetime commissions

(From AFFpinions)

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